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ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 4-сынып 3-тоқсан

19 фев 2024, 10:25
Қазақша / БЖБ ТЖБ / 4 сынып

Summative Assessment for the term 3 in “English language” in Grade 4.

Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English” in Grade 4. Subject Programme in “English”(within the framework of updating the secondary education content)for primary education (Grades 1 – 4).

Different types of multiple choice and open-ended tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for term. This Assessment consists of 5 tasks. Multiple choice tasks require learners choose one correct answer. Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions, answer questions in words, expressions, and sentences.

ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 4-сынып 3-тоқсан 

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 3
Task 1. Listen to the conversation carefully and complete the sentences. You will listen to the
recording twice.
Go to the following link to listen information:
The teacher with learners spell the words aloud before listening task performance.
Don’t show these words to the learners.
w-i-n-d-y l-i-g-h-t-n-i-n-g s-n-o-w-y c-l-o-u-d-y
1. There is thunder and _____________________ now in America.
2. In Northern Canada the weather is cold and _________________.
3. The weather in Europe is _____________________.
4. The weather in Asia is _____________ and warm.
Task 2. Read the text. Identify True and False sentences.
Tom is an animal lover. He admires all animals. When he was a
kid, Tom read many books about animals. The most exciting thing for
him was going to the Zoo. He could spend hours watching the animals
walk around, sit, or even sleep. When Tom was older he went on a
safari to Tanzania. He saw animals in wild nature. Now Tom thinks
about the future of animals. Some of his favourite animals are dying out.
Tom thinks that people need to save wild nature. Children must have the
chance of seeing animals in the wild in future.
Write True or False next to the sentences.
1. Tom doesn’t love animals. ____________________
2. Tom liked to go to the Zoo very much. ____________________
3. When Tom was a kid, he went on a safari to Tanzania. ____________________
4. He saw wild animals in cages in a safari park. ____________________
5. People must save wild nature. ____________________
Task 3. Link the sentences. Fill in the gaps with connectors so, or, because, and. Use each
connector only once.
1. When it is raining people wear raincoats____________ take an umbrella.
2. We put on warm coats and mittens____________ we are going to make a snowman.
3. It is very hot today_____________ we are wearing T-shirts, shorts and sandals.
4. It is cool and wet in autumn_____________ sometimes it can be windy and foggy.

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