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ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 6-сынып 2-тоқсан

22 ноя 2023, 16:21
Қазақша / БЖБ ТЖБ / 6 сынып

Summative assessment for term 2  “English language” Grade 6

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English language” in Grade 6
The Subject Programme for "English language" for 5-9 grades of secondary education on the updated content
The structure of the summative assessment
This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term. Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected

ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 6-сынып 2-тоқсан

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2
Task.Listen to the conversation between Harry and Elizabeth twice.
Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme. Teacher reads the transcript.
Mark sentences as True or False.
1.A horror movie is scary.[1]
2.Harry likes movies about love.[1]
3.Harry really hates action and adventure movies.[1]
Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
4.Musicals do not sound too___________________ for Harry.[1]
5.I heard it's pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the _____________[1]
Total [5]
Task.Read the text aboutAlex’s hometown.
My town – Newquay
Newquay is a small town on the Atlantic coast in the south of England. It has got great
beaches and is the best place to surf in the United Kingdom. There are lots of surf schools where
you can learn how to surf. I go surfing with my friends every weekend.
I love Newquay because there are lots of other things to do as well as surfing. If you like
water sports, you can go kayaking, water-skiing or coasteering. Coasteeringinvolves rock
climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same activity. So, you should always go
with a special instructor.
If you like animals you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and see lots of different fish
and even sharks. You can also go horse riding on the beach or visit Newquay Zoo. There are lots
of other attractions too like mini golf and bowling.
Circle the 3 things Alex writes about.
A)Rainy weather in Newquay
B)Water activities in Newquay
C)Interesting history of Newquay
D)Water attraction to visit in Newquay
E)Tasty meals in Newquay
F)Location of Newquay in England[3]

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