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Summative assessment for term 1  “English language” Grade 5

15 окт 2023, 15:35
Қазақша / БЖБ ТЖБ / 5 сынып

Summative assessment for term 1  “English language” Grade5

Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English language” in Grade 5
This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term.
Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected. Gap filling task is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. Learners have tofill each space with the missing word/number or a suitable word. Matchingtasksrequirelearnerstomatchtwosetsofitemsaccordingtothe instructions for the task. Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences. Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3. The content of the summative assessment for the 1 term should be selected on topics Home and Away” or/and “Living things” for any strands.
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 1
Part 1.Listen to the recording twice and underline an odd word.CD3.Tapescript 1.
Part 2.Listen to the recording twice and number the pictures. The first picture is done for you as
an example.
Total [5]

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