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Summative assessment for term 1 on the subject «The English language» Grade 9

04 окт 2023, 15:33
Русский раздел / СОР СОЧ / 9 класс

Summative assessment for term 1 on the subject «The English language» Grade 9

The structure of the summative assessment

Duration of the summative assessment – 40 minutes
Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks - 24

This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing
and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the summative assessment for term.
Listening – matching task on the topics «Hobbies and Qualities», «Exercise and Sport».
Reading – matching the information and paragraphs in a short text on the topic «Exercise and
Writing – writing a newspaper article on the topics «Hobbies and Qualities» and «Exercise
and Sport».
Speaking – making an individual speech on the topics «Hobbies and Qualities» and «Exercise
and Sport».
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3. Transcript can be found after the mark

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 1
Task. Listen to the dialogues. Six people talk about sport they like. Match each speaker with his or
her reason, A-F.
CD3 Tapescript1.
1. Speaker 1______ A) There are friendly people who go there, so it’s a good place to meet people. [1]
2. Speaker 2______ B) It’s a great way to keep fit. It’s better than going to a health club. [1]
3. Speaker 3______ C) There’s hardly anyone there and you can listen to the ocean as you do it. [1]
4. Speaker 4______ D) It’s a good exercise because you have to walk a lot. [1]
5. Speaker 5______ E) It’s really fun! But, it’s not as easy as it looks. [1]
6. Speaker 6______ F) I have no trouble to finding somewhere to play. [1]
Total [6]
Task. Read the text and identify in which paragraph (A-D) the writer does these things.
1. Establishes the emotional importance of baseball for fans. Paragraph ________[1]
2. The origins of baseball. Paragraph ________[1]
A. Baseball is a much-loved national sport in USA. It’s also popular in the countries of South
America and Japan. Europe is another matter. Not many baseball teams exist in Europe today. It is
slowly changing. Since baseball is an Olympic sport, lots of countries are joining the game!
B. Going to baseball games is a way of life for many fans. They sit in the stands on hot and
sunny spring and summer days, eat hot dogs or popcorn, sip cola or lemonade and enjoy the game.
Adults and children alike attend games, and it’s a sport that everyone seems to love. Baseball is
such a part of American life that nearly everyone’s favourite childhood memory includes a day at
the ballpark.
C. Modern baseball began about 150 years ago in New York, USA and has been popular sport
ever since. It has changed a little bit over the years but the basic game remains the same. Baseball is
played with a bat, which is a stick of about 100 cm long, made of metal or wood, and a small hard
ball. Each player wears one heavy leather glove to catch the ball. Baseball is played on a special
outdoor field.
D. The game of baseball is divided into nine parts, called innings. During an inning, each of
the two teams takes its turn to bat, which means trying to hit the ball that is thrown to them by the
pitcher of other team. After the ball is hit, the player tries to run and touch three different bases
before running to the home base. The team that is not batting tries to catch the balls that are hit, and
stop the runners before they score. The team that scores the most runs by the end of the ninth inning
Task. Match the headings 3-6 with the paragraphs A-D.

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