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СОЧ за 1 четверть Английский язык 8 класс

26 сен 2023, 17:28
Русский раздел / СОР СОЧ / 8 класс

Summative assessment for term 1  “English language” Grade 8
Суммативное оценивание за 1 четверть Английский язык 8 класс

Durationof the summative assessment– 40 minutes
Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately. The time spent on an individual learner should not be more than 3 minutes (1 minute for preparation,
2 minutes for the learner’s speech)
Total marks - 24
The structure of the summative assessment
This summative assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the
summative assessment for the term.
Listening – True/False and Gap filling tasks.
Reading – Multiple choice questions with one answer and one question with two answers.
Writing – Writing an informal letter.
Speaking – Individual long-turn talk.
True/False task offers a series of statements each of which should be judged as true or false according to the listening text.
Gap filling task is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. Learners have tofill each space with the
missing word/number or a suitable word.
Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected.
Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences.
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3. Also it can be found after the mark scheme.
The content of the summative assessment for the 1 term should be selected on topics “Our World”and “Daily Life and Shopping”.

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 1

Task. Listen to Trent Simons and mark the following sentences TRUE or FALSE.
CD3. Tapescript 1.
Example: John and his twin brother go to one and the same school. FALSE
1. John has the same tastes and personalities as his brother. ______
2. John and his brother usually play computer games together. ______
3. John’s parents see him and his brother as two individual people. ______
Listen to Angela Martinez and complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN ONE
CD3. Tapescript 2.
Example: Angela sometimes wonders where her character comes from.
4. Angela’s nationality is ____________.
5. Angela describes her parents as calm and _____________.
6. Angela’s grandmother thinks that her parents are too _____________.
Total [6]
Task. Read the text and circle the most suitable answer.
Checking out second-hand city
Do you love to go shopping, but seem to spend all your money on just one or two items? If
so, why not consider hunting around for cheaper, second-hand options? With a little time and
patience, it’s possible to find some great bargains. Take a look at the shopping alternatives we’ve
come up with.
Car Boot Sales
People bring unwanted things that they dig out of their attics and garages to a car boot sale.
Anything from children’s toys to sports equipment can turn up at these sales, which are usually
held at weekends or on Bank Holidays.
Second-Hand Shops
Good second-hand shops can be full of surprises and are often the perfect place to pick up
a bargain! Many shops often specialize in certain items such as rare books, designer clothes and
antique furniture.
Charity Shops
People donate used clothes, shoes, toys and other different items to charity shops where
you can usually buy them for next to nothing! The money often goes to help people who are
hungry, homeless or who live in poor developing countries.
Christmas Bazaars
These are wonderful places to buy handmade gifts, Christmas decorations and second-hand
items. The beauty of these bazaars is that all the money raised usually goes to charity, so you can
shop till you drop knowing that it’s all for a good cause!
So, next time you’re in the mood to shop, instead of using your credit card, head for
‘second-hand city’.

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